We know mental health is important to your workplace. Burned out employees and stress leads to a decline of productivity and overall wellbeing, which is why we have tools and resources to help you.

But today, I wanted to talk at a high level about 4 trends that we have noticed, during our time serving participants.

1. Everyone Is Different

One of the unique challenges in talking about mental health is that all of us bring different experiences to the “table”. Unlike physical conditions (like an ankle sprain or diabetes), there’s not a set treatment protocol.

Sure, there are some common places to start, but everyone’s mental health journey has many twists and turns, and usually the journey is not linear.

2. Stress Is a Key Factor

We’ve received user feedback for over 5 years now from our mental health solutions, and even though everyone is different, “stress” seems to be on everyone’s mind (no pun intended).

Studies show that stress is one of the simplest measures that we as humans have to measure quality of life, and it’s a common enough term that most of us can talk openly about it. 

Many of us believe that the goal is stress reduction, which does sound nice. But research shows, stress is actually not the enemy. It’s something that all of us need to survive. Instead of eliminating stress, our goal should rather be about using that stress to push us forward. Stress is our body telling us that something is important.

3. Helping Someone Else Helps You

We all like the idea of helping others, but our team had no idea how powerful that concept was until seeing it in practice with our participants.

Many of y’all have been involved in a charitable campaign, especially if you are a Joyages user. As much as our marketing team strives to engage and activate our users, the single greatest method they’ve found is to tie your behavior back to helping someone else.

Whether with an official charity or helping a neighbor, helping others improves your mental health.

4. Honesty and Connection

One of the central components of the Joyages app is the simplest of questions: “How are you doing?”. It’s the first thing you see in the app and you probably hear this question 2-3 times a day, if not more. But, how often do we give an honest answer?

One of the fastest ways that we can improve our overall wellbeing is by answering this question honestly, and then connecting it to a reason why. Simple, right?

Provide a Mental Health Solution for Your Team

Laid out in a list, this all can sound so simple and easy, but actually implementing these can be overwhelming. You don’t have to do it alone. Our mental health solution centers on your needs and is completely customizable for you and your employees.

Let’s talk about how we can help you! We are here to help.

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